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Enactus Aryabhatta, while holding the values of perseverance and resilience to its roots, aspires towards creating a sustainably better world. Through Project Utkarsh, it aims to stitch together a society which tackles social and environmental conundrums that sadly exist.


Utkarsh provides underprivileged women with a sustainable source of livelihood and encourages their financial independence. Utkarsh lends a hand to draw these women out of poverty


Project Utkarsh using its ‘Zero Waste’ model aims to address the problem of injudicious production and hasty consumption by optimal usage of all resources. It promotes prudent consumption habits through Veggitos, which are made from residual vegetable pulp.


Project Utkarsh bridges the gender gap by providing sustainable employment to underprivileged women. Together, our women entrepreneurs learn while they earn. 


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40% of the food produced in India is wasted, yet 190 million Indians remain malnourished. As a nation we cannot afford to waste food worth Rs 92 crores every year. 


Merely 2/3rd portion of any fruit or vegetable converts into a cold pressed or packaged juice, while the remaining 1/3rd is discarded.  

Moreover, in a society mainly dominated by men, there is little opportunity for women to get decent work. This is especially true in rural communities, where people are not only destitute, but also have limited skills and knowledge of the market.



This goal aims to foster sustainable and equitable economic growth for all. With rising unemployment in the country, Utkarsh provides decent work opportunities to the underprivileged section of the society.






Utkarsh promotes good health and well-being by introducing a crunchy, scrumptious yet healthy snack creating a healthier alternative to regular fried chips, which are known to cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure and dehydration

We at Enactus Aryabhatta realized that the women of these communities knew a rather underappreciated yet beautiful skill: the art of cooking.

So we decided to help these women monetize their knack for cooking while simultaneously tackling the problem of food wastage.Through Utkarsh, we have successfully tackled the above mentioned problems by employing these women to manufacture 'Veggitos', which is a healthier snacking alternative made completely from unused vegetable pulp which is procured from juice shops or Safal outlets.


business model


We conduct our business completely sustainably. Each and every step, from the procurement of food pulp to packaging is a model of viable habits. We procure vegetable pulp from local juice vendors near our production centres.

Currently, we have three production centres in Delhi NCR. They are situated in Ravidas camp in R.K Puram, Munirka, and Dalili Ekta Camp in Vasant Vihar. We produce Veggitos using minimal water and electricity and follow a zero waste policy. Even the packaging of Veggitos is 100% sustainable.


We conduct sales through personal selling and our self-designed e-Commerce website. 

Moreover, 70% of the revenue earned is distributed among our beneficiaries, while 30% is reinvested in the business. 


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Our beneficiaries include women from rural communities who, for long, have been tied to the heavy chains of the patriarchal system. Not only this, they are also burdened by the dark clouds of poverty that loom over their head, blocking any chance for a bright future. We help these women to become independent, and turn their everyday activity, cooking, into  a money making business. Their zealous efforts and perseverance have made them into entrepreneurs  and have enabled a better life for them.

Throughout the life of Project Utkarsh, we have managed to create a positive impact on many people as well as on the environment.  


Our women entrepreneurs have augmented not only their own lives but have also caused a 200% increase in their family incomes. This has given an invaluable improvement to the lives of their coming generations. Utkarsh enabled two of our beneficiaries to resume their unfinished education. 


Utkarsh has directly impacted the lives of more than 400 people, while creating 50 women entrepreneurs. It has sailed a significant journey towards building a sustainable environment. We have generated over Rs.16,80,000 in revenue and saved over 90000 gallons of water and saved over 1200 Kgs of wasted food.


Utkarsh has empowered these ladies who have created a new proud term for themselves - ‘The Women of the House’.

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